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Working on the computer all day

Working on the computer all day; The way to stay healthy

 Working in one place all day? Chairs, tables and computers. Eyes and fingers are running for hours. Do you know what diseases are nesting in the body? How to stop it all? Orthopedist Amitabh Narayan Mukherjee told Manisha Mukherjee. Many people have to work in a row all day. How much risk is there?

Be very aware of this. It is very important to pay attention to some basic things. The risk factor is most likely to make this work continuously. Joints, nerves, etc. are damaged and bring various diseases.

What diseases can be a victim?

Osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis are all diseases that can lead to various complications in the joints of the bones. It is not uncommon for various neurological problems to occur from this. Muscle tension, pain is all that happens. Even sitting in this way for a long time causes damage to the knees. It can also lead to knee replacement. Apart from this, sitting in one place also brings mental exhaustion. Sitting on the AC continuously means less exposure to the sun outside. The body does not get vitamin D. Therefore, due to vitamin D deficiency, the bones become weak.


How many times a day does sitting in one way increase the chances of getting all these diseases? See, according to the rules, one should not sit in one way for more than one hour continuously. So you understand, how much damage it can do if you sit like this for seven or eight hours straight!


If you sit in this way, you get bone disease, everyone knows this. Yet there is no way. If so, is there no solution? If sitting like that has become part of the profession, there is no way out without it. But keep in mind, you have to take all the precautions. Emergency exercises must also be performed. We also need to make some changes in our lives. Other times you have to take extra precautions as you have to sit continuously.


Not only sitting still, many people have to work on the computer all the time. In that case, the muscles of the hand, the bones are various problems?


Of course. How you work on the computer is very important. The table on which the computer is kept should be at waist level. The chairs should be at such a height that the leaves of the two feet touch the ground. When holding the mouse, make sure that the wrist supports the table.

If not, what diseases can come?

Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) in the wrist is a very common disease nowadays. Tennis elbow can also be from this.

Adhere to emergency exercises to avoid damage to the wristsand elbows.


The way out of this?

That said, you have to be careful when using the mouse. Basic rules of sitting must be obeyed. And you have to do some urgent exercises every day. If there is no other problem, you can take calcium and medicine every day. Also include foods rich in vitamin D. Eat foods that contain omega three fatty acids. A while ago, he was talking about exercising for sitting still.


1. Yes, first of all, while sitting continuously, sometimes sit with one foot on the other knee. Do not sit for a long time in this way. After sitting for a while, lower your legs. 2. Leave the seat every one hour. 3. For those who already have bone disease, wear a niqab if you want to sit still. 4. Come for a walk or walk from one end of the room to the other, talking to coworkers. That's all we have to do. 5. Sunburn the body. Spend five to seven minutes during tiffin or occasionally going out. There is no loss of work. . Sitting in a chair and doing left and right, or getting up a little and jogging for two or three minutes will also move the muscles. It cuts muscle stiffness. . Another time to walk. You can do some stretching and isometric exercises to increase muscle strength, which must be done by contacting a physical trainer.


And what exercises do you have to do to work on the computer continuously?

1. Very good smiley ball in this case. Put it on the office desk. Press on it for fifteen to twenty seconds in between work. 2. For those who already have TFCC, in addition to contacting the concerned doctor if the pain increases, take occasional ultrasound, it has many benefits. In addition to working at the computer, wear a wrist band. 3. Whenever you leave the seat, if you can, take it free hand. 4. Try to reduce the rest of the time texting on mobile and avoid sitting at the computer back home.

Make yourself confident at work

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