Click Button To strengthen the baby's bones, teach him to walk fast!

To strengthen the baby's bones, teach him to walk fast!

To strengthen the baby's bones, teach him to walk fast!

Many people say that learning to walk fast or late in childhood affects one's personality later in life. Again, many consider it as a determinant of the child's future as an athlete. However, although none of these ideas have been confirmed, one thing has been confirmed. And that is, the bones of a child who learns to walk fast are stronger than others. The data came from a study conducted in the United Kingdom.  

 baby walk fast

 Children who learn to walk, run, and jump faster than others, their bones become stronger, which benefits them later in life. Researchers at the Metropolitan University of Manchester and the University of Bristol in the UK recently conducted a study on children's growth and its impact on later life. The research team was led by Dr. Manchester Metropolitan University School of Healthcare Researcher. Alex Ireland. It says that babies who learn to walk, run and jump within 18 months have stronger bone structures than others in adulthood. This article was recently published in the Journal of Sister and Mineral Research.  (baby walk fast

Originally a 1990 study entitled Children of the Nineties, the study was conducted on a variety of health data from 2,326 participants. The study included data on the growth of children born in the early 1990's, including learning to walk. A total of 14,000 children took part in it, who will be monitored throughout their lives. Later, at the age of 18, the participants' waist and hip bones were measured in size, shape and mineral content.

 This shows that there is a strong correlation between the time children learn to walk and their strong bones in adulthood. Babies who are able to move without any support within 18 months, their bones become stronger with age. And it is more effective in men than in women. In other words, learning to walk fast or move does not add anything extra to the bone structure of girls. walk fast

We think that strong muscles play a role in this. Muscles become stronger due to activity in childhood. And this strong muscle puts pressure on the bones used in movement. As a result, it becomes stronger with age. (   walk fast)

The results of this study will help physicians determine the risk of osteoporosis (a disease in which the affected person's bones become brittle) or bone thinning. Researchers hope it will help physicians even diagnose the risk of fractures.

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