8 Yoga Exercises That Will Reduce Stress

 Along with physical well-being, our mental health is equally important. Along with many other things, yoga can be an effective way to maintain good mental health. Yoga exercises not only take care of the body, increase flexibility, reduce pain, but also reduce our anxiety and stress. Today's feature will tell you about eight special yoga postures that will help you stay mentally fit.

Eight yoga postures

The biggest advantage of doing yoga exercises is that you can do them at home or anywhere convenient for you. Again, as these can be done alone, you can also do them in groups. So without delay let's know about those special eight yoga asanas.

1. Uttanasana (standing forward bend)

Uttanasana calms the mind and stimulates the kidneys and liver. It also stretches the back, hamstrings, and shoulders.


1. Stand in Tarasana or Mountain Pose and place hands on hips.

2. Bend the knees slightly and slowly fold the torso over the legs. In this case, fold the torso from the back, not from the waist.

3. Place your hands on the ground or next to your feet.

4. Inhale and lengthen the spine and exhale. Then slowly bend towards the legs.

5. Lengthen the neck, extend the head down and pull the shoulders down towards the waist.

Caution: Avoid this asana if you have pregnancy, glaucoma, sciatica, or lower back, ankle, or knee injuries.

2. Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)

Paschimottanasana reduces stress and helps maintain a good mind. It stretches back and leg muscles.


1. Sit in Dandasana or Staff Pose with legs straight in front.

2. Raise the arms by the sides and extend them above the head.

3. Inhale and lengthen the spine.

4. Exhale and slowly bend forward from the waist.

5. Keep the legs tight and hold the ankles or knees.

Tip: Keeping your back straight will help you take full breaths.

3. Marjarasana to Vitilasaana (Cat-Cow Seat)

Marjarasana-vitilasana is helpful in easing the spine and bringing peace of mind.


1. Sit on the ground with knees and hands and keep your back straight.

2. Inhale, lift the waist and chest and lift the head.

3. Exhale, arch the back and bring the head down towards the navel.

4. Repeat this 10-20 times.

Tip: Be careful with neck injuries.

4. Sukhasana (easy seat)

Sukh asana refers to any comfortable cross-leg position. You can use towels or bolsters for comfort.


1. Sit with a support or weight under the hips, so that your waist is higher than your knees.

2. Sit comfortably in a cross-leg position with shoulders and head straight.

3. Place your hands in your lap or on your lap.

4. Inhale lengthen the spine, exhale and press the waist into the ground.

Tip: This asana is commonly used for breathing and meditation. It stretches the knees, ankles, strengthens the back and reduces back tension.

5. Janu Topasana (head to knee bend forward)

Janu Topasana elevates the back position and helps reduce stress.


1. Sit in dandasana or staff pose and keep your back straight with legs extended in front.

2. Bend the right knee and place the sole of the right foot inside the left thigh.

3. Inhale and lengthen the spine.

4. Exhale and place the right hand on the outside of the left thigh and the left hand behind the left waist.

5. Slowly bend forward from the waist, reaching towards the left leg and grasping the left ankle with the right hand.

6. Inhale push chest forward and exhale rotate ribs towards left knee.

7. Inhale and lift the chest, come out of the pose and return to Dandasana. Now do the same on the other side.

Tip: If you have knee pain, keep the bent knee close to the straight leg.

6. Setu Bandasana (Bridge Seat)

Setu Bandhasana strengthens the back, waist and thigh muscles.


1. Lie on your back, knees bent and feet and toes parallel to the waist. Keep your feet close to your hips.

2. Press down firmly with the foot. Then inhale and lift the hips (lift from the pelvic bone instead of the navel).

3. Place the hands on the ground below the back and widen the collarbones. Keep your thighs tight and press down with your heels. Then keep the thighs and hips high.

4. Exhale and let the hands rest loosely on the floor.

Tip: Helps relieve back pain after prolonged sitting.

7. Shavasana (Corpse Seat)

Shavasana relaxes the whole body and reduces stress.


1. Lie on your back. Keep the legs apart and place them on the floor in such a way that the legs fall on either side.

2. Place the arms by the side of the body and palm upwards. Keep the fingers relaxed and allow them to bend naturally.

3. Relax the whole body and face. Keep your breathing normal at this time.

4. Stay still for 5-10 minutes and focus on breathing.

5. Deepen your breath and wiggle your fingers and toes. Also stretch the whole body.

6. Pull the knees into the chest and turn to one side. Then close your eyes and take some breaths and rest in this position for a while. Then slowly come to a sitting position.

Tip: Do this asana before going to bed for better sleep.

8. Balasan (Child Seat)

Balasan helps stretch the waist and back and brings peace of mind.


1. Kneel and slowly bend forward from the waist.

2. Place the stomach on the thighs and touch the forehead to the ground.

3. Keep eyes, jaw and shoulders relaxed.

4. Stay in this position as long as you want.

Tip: Keep the neck straight and use support or mass if necessary.

You can try any or all of them as needed. These poses are very effective in keeping yourself calm and in good health. Choose your asanas correctly while practicing yoga and seek expert advice if necessary.

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