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Causes of Weak Kidneys

Causes of Weak Kidneys

Kidney disease is said to be a silent killer. This disease secretly takes up residence in your body and kills you. Recent studies have found that kidney damage, cancer and heart attack are among the deadliest health problems. In America alone, about 26 million people suffer from kidney problems.

Causes of Weak Kidneys
Causes of Weak Kidneys

The scary thing is that most of these people do not know that they are suffering from kidney problems. As a result, lives are being lost prematurely due to lack of timely treatment. You can see if your kidneys are good by looking at some common symptoms.

Here why causes of weak kidneys:

 Blood in the urine

A healthy kidney usually excretes the waste products in the blood with the urine. When the kidneys are damaged, blood cells are excreted in the urine. This problem usually occurs when there are kidney stones and kidney infections. In addition, if there is a lot of foam in the urine, it should be understood that the protein is being excreted with the urine. This is due to the presence of a protein called albumin in the urine.

Urinary problems

Relatively low urination is one of the symptoms of kidney disease. Not only this, frequent urination at night also shows signs of kidney problems. This type of problem is usually caused by a damaged kidney filter. Causes of Weak Kidneys)

Swelling of the ankles and feet

Sudden swelling of the feet and ankles is one of the symptoms of kidney disease. When the function of the kidneys decreases, the amount of sodium in the body decreases, due to which the feet and ankles become swollen.

 Dislike of food

There may be distaste for food for various reasons. But do not neglect the frequent loss of appetite, nausea. This type of problem occurs due to the production of toxins in the body.

Swelling around the eyes

When a large amount of protein is excreted in the urine from the kidneys, there is swelling around the eyes. So this problem should not be neglected and the advice of a doctor should be taken quickly.

 Tension in the muscles

You may have heard that kidney problems are caused due to imbalance of electrolyte components. And when this element is reduced, muscle tension and cramping problems occur.

 Rash and itching of the skin

When minerals and nutrients in the blood become unbalanced, skin rashes and itching occur. When the kidneys do not function properly, there is an imbalance between minerals and nutrients in the body. (Causes of Weak Kidneys)

 Feeling much more tired, less focused

When the function of the kidneys is reduced, contaminants and toxins are produced in the blood. Which makes you feel tired, weak. Even lost focus on work. Anemia occurs during this time. This is another reason to feel weak. Causes of Weak Kidneys

 Shortness of breath

In kidney disease, fluid accumulates in the lungs. In addition, kidney disease also causes anemia in the body. These causes breathing problems, so many people breathe in shorts.

Kidney tests or doctor's advice should be taken as soon as these common symptoms appear. A little negligence can take away your life.

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