Click Button Warning for diabetic patients during coronavirus or COVID-19

Warning for diabetic patients during coronavirus or COVID-19

Diabetic patients during coronavirus 

The Covid-19 disease, caused by the novel coronavirus, was found in China in December 2019, and is now spreading rapidly among humans around the world. On 11 March 2020 (1), the World Health Organization declared Kovid-19 as an epidemic. And the World Health Organization in a report dated March 14, 2020 (2) states that 1.4 million people worldwide are affected by this disease.


Warning for diabetic patients during coronavirus or COVID-19

Although anyone can be infected with the disease, preliminary studies in China have shown that the mortality rate is higher among the already ill (3) elderly people. One of these diseases is diabetes, which has a mortality rate of 9.2%. According to the IDF 2019 report, India is at a high risk because more than 77 million people (4) have diabetes. And since no cure or vaccine has yet been discovered, preventive measures are the easiest and only way.

How can you prevent it?

This little information has been repeated over and over again. Practice and follow basic personal hygiene rules. This is especially true for people with diabetes because of their increased risk of respiratory infections such as pneumonia (5). In addition to these, you can follow the following common steps (6).


Follow daily precautions by using alcohol-containing sanitizers, washing hands thoroughly (for 20 seconds), and refraining from touching the face, nose, and eyes.

Whenever or for whatever reason you go out, keep a distance of 6 feet between you and the other person. Avoid crowded areas and unnecessary travel.

If you live in a place where there is currently an outbreak of Covid-19, stay home as much as possible.

What should a person with diabetes do?

If you are a diabetic, keep your blood sugar levels under control

Make sure you eat plenty of meat and minerals

Avoid going to the gym, but don't skip exercise. Plan exercises that can be done at home to stay healthy

Collect groceries, medicines and other essentials from the grocery store

What to do if you are infected?

If COVID-19 infection is suspected, a study on diabetes and Covid-19 suggests the following:

Be prepared and make an action plan for the days of illness (7,8).

Tell your local health authority about your symptoms

Continue to take your insulin or other diabetes medications

Make sure you drink plenty of water

Eat with regular breaks

Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly

Isolate yourself for at least 14 days or until symptoms subside. Follow the guidelines issued by the government.

Also keep an eye on symptoms like cough, fever and shortness of breath.

Covid-19 Best Health Tips

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