Click Button Suffering from panic fever? See what to do if you have viral fever during Covid-19

Suffering from panic fever? See what to do if you have viral fever during Covid-19

Suffering from panic fever? See what to do if you have viral fever during Covid-19

The summer is very hot, the rainy season is coming. This change in weather will cause an outbreak of influenza. Cold, cough, sore throat will become a daily companion for many. But during this corona virus, many people confuse influenza fever, cold and cough with Covid-19. As a result, many people are suffering in panic. Because of the common flu that has been associated this year with the increased fear of corona.


According to experts, the influenza virus occurs during climate change. Like every year, this year too, there will be no exception to that rule, many will be infected with influenza. But there is nothing to fear. This common fever will go away in two to three days. Too much takes four to five days. And the physical weakness caused by this fever will be cured in a few days. But after 4-5 days, if the fever, cold, cough does not subside or the symptoms start to increase, consult a doctor and get tested for covid.

 Influenza symptoms

1) Mild to moderate fever and body aches appear in the body of the person infected with this virus.

2) The fever usually goes away in two to three days or if it is very high, it goes away in four to five days.

3) Slight cold, sometimes runny nose. 

4) All this is accompanied by sneezing and mild cough.

5) Pain all over the body. Influenza Prevention You can avoid influenza if you take some precautions.


1) According to a report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended a vaccine to prevent this flu. This vaccine can be easily avoided.

2) Stay away from those who have. If you come in contact with that person, use a face mask.

3) People who have various difficult diseases such as heart problems, lung, kidney or liver problems and asthma problems should use the mask regularly at this time.

4) Adults and midwives also use masks regularly and take care of yourself.

5) Stay away from dust.

 7) Do not touch the eyes, nose and mouth without washing hands.

6) Maintain cleanliness. In addition to keeping yourself clean on a daily basis, keep your home and surroundings clean.


What to do if you have influenza

1) Take medicine with the advice of a doctor and get proper treatment.

2) Eat multi-vitamins to relieve weakness.

3) Always wear a mask.

4) Use tissue when sneezing or coughing and throw the tissue in the dustbin with lid.

 5) Steam hot water three to four times a day and gargle.

7) Eat light and soup liquid food.

6) If you have a fever, stay in a separate room, do not come in contact with other members of the house.

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