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Some easy tips to recognize the color of clothing!

Who doesn't have a hobby of buying new clothes? Buying new fashion items is a hobby of many people. And those who buy more clothes, finding clothes in their sastate besai trend. But no matter what you buy cheap or expensive, the color of the fabric must be mature. Otherwise the whole penny is in the water. After two days of use, the color of the clothes fades and the house becomes a rag to clean. Without it, if the color of the clothes does not sit well, it can get on your skin and even cause cancer. So you need to understand how ripe the color of the clothes is. But how do you understand not using, that's what you think? There are ways.


 Some tips to recognize the color of the fabric

1. You can tell by looking at the color of the cloth whether it is ripe or not. If the color of the fabric is not ripe, the color will look much brighter than the normal color. In this case you can check by keeping two clothes of the same color side by side. The color you see will look artificially bright and you will understand that the life of the color is notlong. 

2. You can soak a corner of the cloth in a little soapy water to see if the color of the cloth will change. Then leave it for a few minutes and rub it with your hands. If the color rises, then you will understand that you have cheated.

3. Soak a small piece of cloth, then iron it with a cotton cloth on top. If the cotton fabric is white, then the color of your fabric is ripe. Otherwise you have cheated.


 What to do if the color is not ripe?

1. The fact that the color of the fabric is not mature means that this fabric is not durable. After a while it will be fed In this case, it is better to take these clothes back to the store. Since the whole cloth has not been washed, it will not be difficult to return.


2. Bad colors do not fit well in the fabric, bad colors are also responsible for this. Whatever the subject, don’t think about wearing the dress. The color that comes out of the clothes, it can be the cause of your skin cancer!

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